Monday, February 8, 2016

Trains, planes, temples and palaces

This time we are wandering around north India, beginning with Agra as last time sickness made us cancel our trip to see the Taj Mahal. Route 1 takes us from Delhi to Agra and Gwalior by trains. Then to Orchha and Khajuraho using cars and drivers. We are booked into a tiger safari in Bandhavgarh national park we we hope to see...? Back to Delhi for some recovery time and then off to Lucknow, Varanasi and Kolkata.

19 February

Our second day in Delhi. I think we ought to sponsor a competition for car drivers who DO NOT  honk their car horns before 7am. I think I ought to sponsor, with meaty bones, a competition for the dog that does not bark or fight before 7am.
We are learning to find our way around the metro and I like the special ladies carriage though I do not dare to leave Francis in another carriage. We had to push our way in this morning and barely got the doors to close. People are very polite to old ladies and I was always offered one of the seats 'for ladies
only', especially by the men occupying those seats!

  •  We like the signage variations- which ones applied to us?



    1. Blog being received fine. Good photos and clear text. Look forward to reading further.

    2. Great way to keep us all informed with your adventures

    3. Great reading and easy way to keep up with the intrepid travellers Kathryn xxx
