Saturday, February 20, 2016

Third class AC

we took the train to Agra, '3AC'. This means three bunks facing another three bunks in an air conditioned carriage. Three of our companions wanted to sleep but fortunately Francis and I could sit on the side with only one sleeper on the top bunk so we could actually sit normally with the middle bunk raised and locked in place. Hard to image if you have never taken an Indian train. Sheets, pillows and blankets are provided and shoes are placed neatly under the bottom bunk. Windows are small and uncleaned so there is not much to distract on a three hour journey except watch the parade of food sellers who walk through the carriages selling chai and biscuits and tomato soup and cold drinks and hot meals. The trains themselves have seen better days but they leave on time and arrive on time.

The dirty sheets come off and the clean ones are taken on board.

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